What does it mean, “God Paid It Forward?”

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I’ll start by telling you what it doesn’t mean.

What it doesn’t mean, is that God paid the ultimate sacrifice, so that you could owe him. You may ask, “What ultimate sacrifice is that?” In the garden, thousands of years ago, Adam and Eve sinned against God, just like everyone has since then.  Our sin separates us from the relationship that we could have with God.  The Ultimate Sacrifice is what Jesus did on the cross.  That despite our sin, God gave us a chance to come to him, yet again through the acceptance of Jesus Christ as our Lord and Savior.

It doesn’t cost you a thing.  There is no loan origination fee, no installment plan and no place where He says, “You have to stay guilty or fearful of ever being worthy enough to receive my forgiveness.” He will also NEVER SAY, “You have to earn salvation.” or “You have to get your life together first, before turning your life over to me.”

God paid it forward as a free gift. Guilt free. Shame free. Fear free. Debt Free.

The debt was paid to cover the sin of all humanity. All YOU ever have to do is accept it.

And they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb and the word of their testimony, and they did not love their lives to the death. – Rev 12:11

If someone tells you, that you have to earn your way to salvation or that you have to do good works to be in good standing with God, then they are not a true teacher of Jesus’ word. Being saved or “Born Again”, is a free gift of grace and mercy, given to us by our Lord and our God, Jesus Christ.  You will never tip the scales of justice in your favor by doing “good works”.

For by grace you have been saved through faith, and that not of yourselves; it is the gift of God, not of works, lest anyone should boast. – Eph 2:8-9

If you are in a “System”, “Religion” or “Organization” that tells you otherwise or if you simply want to know more – reach out.  Just know this –  Jesus has so much more for you.