Why do we care?

Worldviews that are being discussed in today’s marketplace are not being discussed compassionately or lovingly, even when Biblical beliefs are being defended.  We have a polarized environment now.  Lines are drawn, defenses are up, people are poised for attack and unfortunately, in many instances, some beliefs and believers are so intolerant that we can’t even hold a conversation without someone yelling or getting up and leaving the room.  Something has to give.

Why share a worldview or your belief with others?

We live together.  Maybe not in the same house, but certainly in the same country, state, city or even neighborhood.  We live next to one another.  We are co-workers.  Our kids play together and we are going to be along-side one another for the rest of our lives.  Our families will impact one another.  Why wouldn’t you get to know one another?  And why wouldn’t one share their worldview or belief? Don’t your views matter? Aren’t they important?

The question remains. Can we come together and open up a dialogue to share one another’s worldviews?

I think it’s imperative in this pluralistic society that we open up a dialogue with one another.  I’ve experienced both great and terrible expressions of one’s beliefs.  We need to stop being afraid of what others think or believe and express our thoughts in a relevant and respectful manner.  It can be done.

But here’s the rub.

We live in a politically correct world, where if what I believe offends you, then someone is going to tell me to keep it to myself.  Or worse, people will start calling names, or labeling someone as something horrible – like calling out intolerance. I actually had a self-proclaimed “Christian” manager tell me that once, “You really shouldn’t tell people you’re a Christian…”  Her rationale was, “If they know you’re a Christian, they will hold you to a higher standard.”  Truthfully – WE ALL SHOULD be held to a higher standard.  But Christians, doubly so, because we are called to love the world and everyone in it. But, we live in a society that is starting to call out Christians as intolerant and saying, we no longer have the right to discuss our beliefs outside of our own home or church.  If you call yourself a Christian, you had better care about those who are not yet in the fold.


Some people just simply won’t take kindly to the mention of the name Jesus. That’s just the way it is. But many others, if you speak to them with dignity and respect – the idea of sharing ideas can become palatable.  Paul in Ephesians said, speak to others in truth and love.  What better way to share an idea?  People will disagree with one another, it’s inevitable, but we can and should still make every effort to get along with one another.  Show them love and respect, but don’t compromise the truth of the Gospel message.  A Christian cares, because God is in them and his desire is that all would be saved.  If you are a Christian, you had better have a desire for every person you speak with’s soul to be saved, through the sacrifice of Jesus Christ, 2000 years ago, on that tree. Those of you that are not Christians. We are called to love you and engage in a meaningful way. Just realize, that the truth that we are sharing goes against what the common person believes – it’s a very different viewpoint. And there is an urgency when it comes to what we believe as being salvation. For a Christian, it is our greatest desire to share with you the truth of the cross, today. Because tomorrow may not come.

We care, because Christ’s love abounds in us. The Holy Spirit has infilled every Christian who has made Jesus the Lord over their life. We can’t help but care!!! But, I would challenge everyone who calls themselves a Christian, to walk that out in their lives. Make relationships and love on the unbeliever. That’s exactly what God did with every Christian, when they bowed a knee to him. Established a relationship – but with God, that relationship can NEVER be broken.

There are a lot of religions and groups out there, that will tell you, that “you aren’t good enough” or that “you can’t be sure that you will go to heaven”. I’m here to tell you the God’s honest truth. First, you don’t need religion. Second, what you need is relationship with Jesus, who loves you. You better believe you can be in right-standing with God and be welcomed into heaven. That’s why God paid it forward! If you want to know more – just let me know